Collection: Direct Donation

Please support Hawes Elementary with a donation to our direct donation drive in 2024!

We need to raise an average of ~$275 per student to provide:

  • field trips for all students (~$20,000)
  • $600 per teacher for classroom enrichment (~$14,500)
  • interactive assemblies for all students (~$6,000)
  • school improvement investments (~$15K-$40K) such as the marquees, playground upgrades and more
  • school enrichment (~$10,000)

School enrichment includes things like the 5th grade promotion, honorary service awards, earthquake kits, homework folders, outdoor education scholarships, staff appreciation, playground equipment, Fall Movie night, Sports day, the school garden, and so much more!

We know that a meaningful financial gift will look different for every family, and we appreciate any support you can give! We ask that each family consider donating a minimum of $25 per student.

If you can give more, please do! Last year, we had 44 families that donated $500 or more, and their generosity made a huge difference! You can also share the donation link with friends and family to support our cause.

Click on each donation level below to see the extra Hawesome benefits that come with each. Our 50th anniversary Hawesome Hawk tote bags, stuffies, and yard signs are only available through direct donation. Thank you so much for your support! If you'd like to donate an amount not listed below or have any other questions about Hawes' direct donation, please email